What’s the Difference Between an MSP and an MSSP?

IT support
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs) are often considered the same by many but they are different. When hiring IT service providers, brands should be able to differentiate between MSPs and MSSPs.

The key difference between MSP and MSSP is the word security. With MSP, all you get is IT services but with MSSP, security is the main concern. When hiring service providers, companies must weigh their needs well. For companies that only need IT services without critical security measures, hiring MSP is okay.

With the many types of managed services, IT-intensive firms may lack the right services. Failure to pay for the right services can be an expensive mistake. To get a clear difference between MSP and MSSP, keep on reading.

What is a Local Managed Service Provider?

MSP A locally managed service provider is a company that offers general IT services to companies. Such providers mainly offer managed IT support services which are wide. They may get involved in system installations, maintenance, updates, and upgrades among other services.

IT services providers that are not specialized may be good for some firms. This type of approach best works with brands that are not highly sensitive in terms of security concerns.

Below are the key differences between managed services providers and managed security services providers:

The Primary Focus is Security Services for MSSP

security services One of the main differences between MSSP and MSP is the area of primary focus. For MSPs, the primary focus is on providing general IT support. The managed IT support services provider can come in and help provide IT consultancies and installations among other services.

On the other hand, an MSSP that may operate as a local managed service provider mainly focuses on security. The security service provider ensures that both in-house and cloud systems are secured from potential attacks. With IT service providers, the focus tends to be on factors other than security.

MSSP Offers 24/7 Security Support

Security support and surveillance are some of the main focuses of MSSPs. A local managed service provider has a team of security experts conducting 24/7 surveillance on your systems. The IT service providers also work by training in-house workers to ensure that threats such as phishing attacks are stopped before they start.

With managed IT support experts working around the clock to provide reliable services to brands and individuals, all security threats are stopped either before they happen or after they have commenced.

Among the security risks that MSSPs focus on include:

  • Personal data protection for customers
  • Credit card and banking information protection
  • Sensitive data such as password protection
  • Protection against malware such as ransomware
  • Cloud data protection from online threats
  • Banking institution data protection among others

All of these services are key and vital for all institutions with a wide customer base. Protecting this data ensures that there is trust from your brand customers. Customers want to deal with a brand that is secure and one that provides services that are reliable in all situations.

MSSP Providers Partner With In-house Security Teams

IT team The other key difference between MSP and MSSP is the way they operate and link up with IT teams. With MSP’s local managed service provider, the managed IT support team links with the parent organization. In this process, the managed MSP provider controls all IT services.

In the case of MSSP, the service provider links up with IT experts in the organization. One of the importance of managed IT services for brands is that MSSP providers use local and in-house experts to guarantee 24/7 security. They provide training for in-house experts, ensuring that the organization is internally and externally ready.

How to Get Expert Managed IT Support?

Local managed service providers are at the center of any successful business in the modern world. With IT playing a critical role in business operations it is vital for brands to choose the right managed IT support. Among the mentioned managed services examples, MSSP is an ideal option for brands that need security.

At Techtopia, we have established ourselves as the leaders in MSP and MSSP services provision. We understand what it takes to take care of all IT services and security services. If you are interested in our services and would like to learn more, please fill out our contact form.