IoT Management

IoT Device Management & Automation 

IoT Device Management & Automation 

IoT device management is referred to a collection of processes, technologies, and tools that help businesses to monitor and maintain IoT-connected devices or also known as the IoT endpoints in an enterprise network. There are two factors that make IoT device management crucial to have. This includes push and pulls factors. 

As seamless automation, innovative business models, and internal efficiencies are craved by industry specialists, they are hinging more on IoT device management. Further, the consumer adoption of IoT devices is growing at a rapid rate. 

Therefore, without proper device management, employees are likely to create a shadow IT burden on the network. The best way to keep all of your connected IoT devices and software working as they should is to have Techtopia implement a managed IoT strategy into your business’s infrastructure.

Key Features of IoT Device Management Service

To fulfill the growing demand for IoT device management services, Techtopia is providing you with both technologies and streamlined processes to govern your landscape of the internet of things. Simply provide us with your company data and management plan, and we can do the rest.

Some of the key features of our IoT device management service include: 


Device Onboarding

IoT device onboarding comprises some of the critical steps that might be confusing for employees without proper understanding. Generally, once an IoT device is turned on for the first time, it should be onboarded into a network system. 

However, unlike other traditional devices, it doesn’t come with an independent interface for navigating the process. This is why Techtopia is here to help you with checking the credentials, assigning the device identity, and defining the authentication protocols to onboard the device into the network system. 

Device Configuration

Every IoT device must be configured according to the business needs. These configurations are conducted by top-notch IoT developers to avoid any misconfigurations during the process. 

Moreover, it may lead the business to some trouble in the future. This is why device configuration is an important part of IoT device management. 


Device Maintenance

It’s important not just to update the IoT device firmware to its latest version but also to look for any security vulnerabilities that are creeping into the network. IoT device management typically uses OTA updates or over-the-air updates for maintaining devices and configuring them properly. 

Therefore, your network will remain protected against cyber threats. A powerful and streamlined IoT device management software by Techtopia not only keeps you flourishing in the IoT landscape but also helps you maximize the device’s functionality. Thus, it will be easier to scale your business in IoT.


Got A Question?

We work very hard to first understand your unique needs, and then help you find the best solution within your budget. send us a note, and we’ll get right back to you!